1. General information
    1.1 Introduction
    Protecting privacy is important to the Pascale Laperrière Podiatric Clinic inc. (hereinafter “the Organization”, “we”, “us”). For this reason, we have implemented protection measures and sound management practices for your personal information in accordance with applicable laws.

    This privacy policy (the “Policy”), which must be read in conjunction with the terms of use of the website and the Service agreements concluded with the Organization, describes our practices regarding collection, use, processing, communication and retention of the Personal Information of our customers, visitors and users. By using our website www.podiatrievaudreuil.com (the “Website”) or any of our Services, you agree that we may collect, use, process, disclose and retain your Personal Information in accordance with the conditions described herein. If you do not agree to comply with and be bound by this Policy, you are not authorized to visit, access or use our Website or Services or share your Personal Information with us. This Policy does not apply to Personal Information of employees, representatives and consultants of the Organization, or any other person affiliated with the Organization, as well as any information that does not constitute personal information as defined by applicable law.
    1.2 Responsible for the protection of personal information
    Questions, comments and complaints regarding the Organization’s Privacy Policy and practices may be directed to our Personal Information Protection Officer at the following contact details:
    Email: Cliniquepodiatriquelaperriere@gmail.com
    Address: Clinique podiatric Pascale Laperrière

Attn : Responsable de la protection des renseignements personnels
458 avenue St-Charles, local 200
Vaudreuil-Dorion (Québec)
Canada, J7V 2N5

  1. Définitions

The following words and expressions, when they appear with a capitalized first letter in the Policy, have the meaning assigned to them below, unless implicitly or explicitly exempted in the text: “Service Provider” : any natural or legal person who processes data on behalf of the Organization. These are third party organizations or individuals employed by the Organization to facilitate the Services, provide the Services on behalf of the Organization, perform services related to the Services or assist the Organization in analyzing the use of the Services. “Personal information”: any information which concerns a natural person and allows them to be identified, that is to say which directly or indirectly reveals something about the identity, characteristics (e.g. skills, preferences , psychological tendencies, predispositions, mental capacities, character and behavior of the person concerned) or the activities of this person,
and this whatever the nature of the medium and whatever the form in which this information is accessible (written, graphic, audio, visual, computerized or other). “Sensitive Personal Information”: means Personal Information which, by its nature or because of the context of its use or communication, gives rise to a high degree of reasonable expectation of privacy. This may include, for example, medical, biometric, genetic or financial information, or information about sexual life or orientation, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership
or Ethnicity. “Personal Information Protection Officer”: the person who is responsible for the application of this Policy and whose contact details are identified in section 1.2 of this Policy.
“Services”: Services refers to the Website and any related services offered by the Organization, which include professional services and, where applicable, associated media, printed materials and “online” or electronic documentation.

  1. ​ 545 / 5,000 Translation results Translation result Processing of Personal Information
    3.1 Collection of Personal Information
    Your consent to share your personal information with us
    For the Organization, the Respect for your privacy and the confidentiality of your data is essential. This is why we have developed this privacy policy to tell you what information we collect, how we process it, and when we need to communicate it to subcontractors or third parties.

By your consent, you authorize the Organization to collect and process your personal information which is necessary to offer you our services. Please be aware that you remain in control of your personal information at all times and that the consent you give us when collecting or processing your personal information may be withdrawn at any time. We will ensure that we respect your choice in accordance with our legal obligations.
In addition, it is essential to read this Policy in conjunction with our document concerning the Conditions of Use of the Website. In the course of our activities, we may collect, process and use different types of Personal Information that you give us only as permitted by law, including the information listed below:
Via our Website:
● contact details, such as your first and last name, your email address and your telephone number to subscribe to our newsletter or to create a user account with us;
● contact details, such as your name and first name, your telephone number, your email, your availability and the reason for your visit when you request a clinic appointment;

In carrying out mandates that you entrust to us:
● medical information;
● information relating to products or services, such as information concerning
the services that we provide to you we have provided;
● transaction and payment information, such as payment method
used, date and time, payment amount, billing zip code, your
address and other related information;
● information you choose to provide or transmit to us, for example,
when you fill out a form, respond to surveys or communicate with one
br/>our employees or representatives;
In each case, this Personal Information is processed in accordance with the legitimate and necessary purposes listed in section 3.2 below. In addition, we ensure that we collect and process
only the data and Personal Information that are necessary for the purposes
for which you give it to us. If any subsequent use of your Personal Information
should take place, we will obtain your consent as required by law.

3.2 Use of Personal Information
In accordance with the statement in paragraph 3.1, we only use your Personal Information if the law allows us to do so. We may use your Personal Information for the legitimate purposes described below:
● to provide you with Services;
● to allow you to subscribe to our newsletter;
● to verify your identity and review your personal background, as permitted by law;
● operate, maintain, supervise, develop, improve and provide all features of
our Website;
● to manage risk and business;
● to comply with our obligations under applicable laws and regulations;
● develop new Services and improve our Website and Services;
● for marketing and product development purposes business, if you have previously
consented to the processing of your personal information for these purposes;
● send you messages, updates, security alerts;
● respond to your questions and provide you with assistance as needed;
● administer a contest, promotion, survey or other feature of the Website or our Services;
● collect opinions and comments relating to our Services;
● conduct research and analysis in connection with our business and our Services;
● detect and prevent fraud, errors, spam, abuse, security incidents and other activities
● to establish, exercise or defend a legal right or proceeding;
● send you communications in accordance with the law;
● enable the function of applying for employment with the Organization;
● for any other purpose permitted or required by law.
Please note that we do not use the information we collect to draw inferences or any interpretations.
The Personal Information that we collect and store remains encrypted and is securely archived on Knownhost’s servers located in the United States of America. Please be reassured that this Personal Information is only disclosed when we have a legal obligation to do so.

3.3 Disclosure of Personal Information

We may disclose your Personal Information to our employees, contractors, consultants, agents, Service Providers and other trusted third parties who need this information to help us operate our Website, carry out and protect our business activities or serve you, provided that such Service Providers have previously committed in writing to ensuring the confidentiality of your Personal Information in accordance with applicable laws and our Information Governance Program. In addition, only members of our organization’s Staff who have a need to access and process your Personal Information will have access to it, in accordance with our internal Personal Information Protection Policy. We do not sell, trade, or otherwise disclose your personal information to third parties, subject to exceptions provided by law.

3.3.1 Suppliers service providers and other third parties
Although we try to avoid sharing your Personal Information with third parties, we may use Service Providers to perform various services on our behalf, such as IT management and security, marketing, as well as data analysis, hosting and storage. We have defined below the cases in which such sharing may take place:
● We use Mailchimp to collect information related to our
newsletter. View their privacy policy.
● We use Medesync by Telus Health services to manage our relationships
with our customers. Consult their privacy policy.
● We use the services of Therrien, Couture, Jolicoeur to ensure our
compliance with the privacy laws that apply to us. View their
privacy policy.

When we communicate your Personal Information to Service Providers, we enter into written contracts with them before your Personal Information is communicated to them and we only provide them with the Personal Information necessary to carry out their mandate. As part of these contracts entered into with our Service Providers, we undertake to ensure that the principles set out in this Policy are respected, and these Service Providers are required to use Personal Information according to our instructions and
only for the purposes for which they were provided. In addition, these Service Providers offer us sufficient guarantees regarding the implementation of adequate protection measures which are proportional to the sensitivity of the Personal Information processed or communicated. When our Service Providers no longer need your Personal Information, we ask them to destroy this data appropriately.

3.3.2 Compliance with legislation, responding to legal requests, preventing harm and protecting our rights.
We may disclose your Personal Information when we believe such disclosure is authorized, necessary or appropriate, including:
● to respond to requests from public and governmental authorities, including
from public and governmental authorities outside your country of residence;
● to protect our business;
● to comply with legal proceedings;
● to protect our rights, privacy, safety, property, yours or
those of third parties;
● to enable us to implement available remedies or limit the
damage we may suffer; and
● in accordance with applicable laws, including laws outside
your country of residence;

3.3.3 Commercial Transaction
We may share, transfer or communicate, in strict accordance with this Policy, your Personal Information in the event of sale, transfer or assignment, in whole or in part. party, the Organization or our assets (for example, following a merger, consolidation, change of control, reorganization, bankruptcy, liquidation or any other commercial transaction, including in connection with the negotiation of such transactions). In this case, we will notify you before your Personal Information is governed by another
privacy policy.

3.3.4 Consent of Personal Information
Where possible, the Organization obtains consent directly from the individual concerned for us to collect, use and disclose their Personal Information. However, if you provide us with Personal Information about other people, you must ensure that you have duly informed them that you are providing their information to us in addition to having obtained their consent to such communication. We will seek your explicit consent before using or disclosing your Personal Information for purposes other than those set out herein.

3.3.5 Retention of Personal Information
Subject to applicable laws, we retain your Personal Information only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which such information was collected, unless you consent to your Personal Information being used or processed for another purpose. END. Additionally, our retention periods may be changed from time to time due to legitimate interests (for example, to ensure the security of Personal Information, to prevent abuse and violations, or to prosecute criminals). />Please also be assured that when the purpose for which information was collected is accomplished, we will destroy or anonymize this information, in accordance with applicable legislation. To obtain more information on the periods during which your Personal Information
is retained, please contact our Personal Information Protection Officer using the contact details provided in article 1.2 of this Policy.

3.4 Personal Information of a Sensitive Nature
In certain circumstances we will need to collect Personal Information considered to be of a sensitive nature. Before proceeding with any collection of this information, we will carry out an assessment of the factors relating to privacy, in order to determine what issues are possible with the collection of this data. As always, the Organization will only collect Personal Information of a sensitive nature that is necessary for our operations. In addition, before proceeding with the collection of this Personal Information of a sensitive nature, we will ensure that we have your explicit consent to do so, as required by law.

As an example, here are some types of Personal Information of a sensitive nature that we may collect from you, with your consent:

  • Health data;
  • Video surveillance.
  1. Vos droits
    À titre de personne concernée, vous pouvez exercer les droits énoncés ci-dessous en complétant le formulaire disponible ici et en le transmettant par courriel ou par la poste à l’attention de notre Responsable de la protection des renseignements personnels aux coordonnées prévues à l’article 1.2 de la Politique :

● You have the right to be informed of the Personal Information that we hold about you and to request a paper copy of documents containing your Personal Information, subject to exceptions under applicable law;
● You have the right to rectify, modify and update the Personal Information that we hold about you if it is incomplete, ambiguous, out of date or inaccurate;
● You have the right to withdraw or modify your consent to the Organization
collects, uses, communicates or retains your Personal Information at any time, subject to applicable legal and contractual restrictions.
● You have the right to ask us to stop disseminating your Personal Information and to deindex it any link attached to your name which gives access to this information if this distribution contravenes the law or a court order;
● You have the right to file a complaint with the Commission d’access à l’information, under subject to the conditions provided for by applicable law; In order to comply with your request, you may be asked to provide appropriate identification or otherwise identify yourself. We encourage all of our customers to keep their personal information with us up to date. Decisions relating to the various services that we can offer to our customers may vary depending on the accuracy of this data. It is therefore essential to ensure that we have an accurate picture of your situation.

  1. Cookies and other tracking technologies
    We use cookies and other similar technologies (collectively, “Cookies”) to help us operate, protect and optimize the Website and the services we offer. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device or browser. They collect certain information during your visit to the Website, including your preferred language, the type and version of your browser, the type of device you are using and the unique identifier of your device. If some of the Cookies we use are deleted after your browser session ends, other Cookies are retained on your device or browser to allow us to recognize your browser the next time you visit the Website. The data collected through these Cookies is not intended to identify you. They make it possible in particular to guarantee the functioning of the Website, to improve the browsing experience of users and provide certain data which allows us to better understand the traffic and interactions which take place on our Website as well as to detect certain types of frauds. Cookies do not cause any damage to your device and cannot be used to extract your Personal Information.

You can configure your browser so as to be informed of the installation of Cookies during your visit to the Website, so that you can decide, in each case, to accept or refuse the use of some or all of them. Cookies. Please note that deactivating Cookies on your browser could harm your browsing experience on the Website and prevent you from using some of its features.

  1. Security Measures
    The Organization has implemented physical, technological and organizational security measures aimed at adequately protecting the confidentiality and security of your personal information against loss, theft or any unauthorized access, disclosure, reproduction, communication, use or modification. These measures include encryption, access control, segregation of duties, internal audit, etc. Among the various measures put in place:
     Our Website is equipped with an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Protocol which ensures a secure connection between your device and our server;
     The employees of the Organization have read this Policy and have undertaken to comply with it and to respect the confidential nature of Personal Information concerning our potential and existing customers. In addition, each employee undertakes to follow and respect a data governance policy applicable to all staff of the Organization;
     As mentioned in section 3.3, we have put in place data management measures. access to
    Personal Information which limits access only to those who have a valid reason to view, process, communicate or otherwise use your information; As mentioned in section 3.3, subcontractors and third parties who do business with the Organization and with whom we must sometimes communicate your Personal Information have previously undertaken to protect the confidentiality and private nature of this information;
     When the purpose for which your Personal Information was collected is satisfied and we no longer need to keep it, the Organization will destroy or anonymize this data, subject to applicable laws.
    Despite the measures described above, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your Personal Information. If you have reason to believe that your Personal Information is no longer protected, please contact our Privacy Officer immediately using the contact details provided in section 1.2 above.
  1. Modification of this Privacy Policy
    We reserve the right to modify this Policy at any time in accordance with applicable law. If there are any changes, we will post the revised version of the Privacy Policy and update the updated date in the footer of the Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the new terms of the Privacy Policy, we invite you to no longer use our Website and Services. If you choose to continue to use our Website or Services after the new version of our Policy comes into effect, your use of our Website and Services will then be governed by this new version of the Policy.
  2. Links to Third Party Websites
    On occasion we may include on our Website references or links to websites, products or services provided by third parties ( the “Third Party Services”). These Third Party Services, which are not operated or controlled by the Organization, are governed by privacy policies that are entirely separate and independent from ours. We therefore assume no responsibility for the content and activities of these sites. This Policy applies only to the Website and the Services we offer. This Policy does not extend to third party services.
  3. ​ 1,666 / 5,000 Translation results Translation result Limitation of liability
    The Organization undertakes to take all reasonable means to ensure a high level of confidentiality and security of Personal Information in accordance with appropriate technological standards taking into account its sector of activity.
    Despite the above, you declare that you understand and recognize that no computer system offers absolute security and that an element of risk is always present when transmitting Personal Information on the public network that is the Internet. You therefore accept that the Organization cannot be held responsible for any violation of confidentiality, hacking, viruses, loss, theft, misuse or alteration of Personal Information transmitted or hosted on its systems or those of a third party. You also declare that you waive any claim in this regard, except in the event of gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the Organization. Accordingly, you agree to release the Organization and its officers, directors, related persons and business partners from any liability for any damages of any kind, whether direct or indirect, incidental, special or consequential in connection with the use of your Personal Information. In the event of a breach of the confidentiality or security of your Personal Information which presents a high risk to your rights and freedom, this breach will be notified to you as soon as possible, and the Organization will take the necessary measures to preserve the confidentiality and
    security of your Personal Information.
  1. Individuals under the age of 14
    We do not knowingly collect or use Personal Information from individuals under the age of 14. If you are under 14 years of age, you should not provide us with your Personal Information without the consent of your parent or guardian. If you are a parent or guardian and you learn that your child has provided us with Personal Information without consent, please contact us using the contact information provided in section 1.2 above to request that we delete that personal information. child of our systems.
  2. Contact us
    Any questions, comments, requests or concerns regarding this privacy policy should be directed to our RPRP at the contact details indicated in section 1.2 of this policy.